Friday, 15 August 2014

What Maisie Knew: Divorce Brings Your Child into a Victim

Between mom and her new husband, I love my new papa.
Every little problems in marriage can brings into divorce, depends on how mature their level is. LOL.. Apapun alasannya, perceraian akan selalu mengorbankan hidup sang anak. The parents will busy with their emotion, while in children's growth period, the children can't feel the real happiness and feel lack of attention.
Here, Maisie seen as the 3rd person who looks at the world around divorce things from her point of view. Keegoisan ayah ibunya membawa Maisie kedalam hal-hal yang belum bisa dimengerti namun terpaksa harus mengetahui. Mencintai yang bukan orang tuanya, namun tidak melupakan siapa orang tuanya.
He is charming :3
Semua dilihat dari sisi Maisie. Maisie tau alasan mengapa mereka bercerai tanpa mereka memberi tahu. Perpisahan adalah hal yang sudah biasa bagi orang dewasa, tapi tidak dengan Maisie, she is 5 years old. Maisie, anak 5 tahun, harus mengambil keputusan yang paling penting tanpa pertimbangan orang lain.

I also loveeee their fashion. I don't find Julianne Moore's (she's awesome), but you see the others' fashion is great!
I love their closet
 Perfect movie!
It's a Sundance movie and it has deep meaning in seeing life around divorce situation, especially from a child's point of view.

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